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Anti-War Demo's
February 15th, 2003

New York City

collated from Indymedia

Note: Timeline runs from most recent entry, back...

F16 12:40am The 20 snake-marchers arrested at 39th & 8th were held on 
the bus for five hours, were processed at central booking, and have been been 
transferred to the 7th precinct, 19 1/2 Pitt Steet at Delancey, 212-477-7311.

F15 9:24pm Due to a printing error, several of the promotional materials for 
tonight's benefit party have the wrong address. The correct address is 38-09 
31st St in Queens. We're going til 4 a.m. Come join us.

F15 8:44pm There are 15 people (including 1 legal observer) at the vigil at 1 
Police Plaza. The National Lawyers Guild is asking for more legal support staff 
to come down. We have an unconfirmed report that the arrestees will not be 
released until tomorrow morning.

F15 8:25pm United for Peace & Justice spokesperson Chris Pasteraro reports 
that UFPJ's phonelines at their 42nd St. office went down at 11:30 a.m. Saturday 
just as 67 feeder marches were getting underway. UFPJ was unable to communicate 
with feeder march liaisons. The phones briefly resumed working at 12:20 p.m. but 
went down again at 1 p.m. "We've been in this building for a month,"Pasteraro said, 
"and we've never had any trouble until today."

F15 7:17pm 311 confirmed arrests. Detainees locked in buses at 1 Police Plaza, 
just behind 100 Center Street. United For Peace and Justice asking for people to 
go down to Police HQ or their or flood their switchboard. 212-374-3921 An 
unknown number of people have been hospitalized as a result of being trampled 
on by horses.

F15 7:04pm Unconfirmed of 20 arrests at 39th street between 7th and 8th avenue. 
Another nearby group of approx. 100 protesters facing a potential mass arrest.

F15 6:51pm New York seems to be calming down from one of its largest days 
of protest ever. We will continue to post more updates as we recieve them.

F15 5:54pm The St. Marks Snake March has largely dissipated. Marchers reached 
Astor Place abd held a moment of silence to remember those beaten today by 
the police.

F15 5:49pm 300-400 people are marching down 5th Avenue and 18th st. The 
police have just arrived.

F15 5:27pm The Snake March from St. Marks has moved to Houston to 2nd 
Avenue. The march is moving on and off the sidewalk. No reports of police 

F15 5:17pm 200-250 protestors assembling at St, Marks and 2nd for a 
Snake March. Police are present with horses and vans.

F15 5:11pm Times Square Update: The police have blocked off 8th 
Avenue south of 42nd street; Times Square is cut in half by police and 
small groups of protesters continue to mill around.

F15 5:04pm Reports of protestors establishing a street blockade at 34th st 
and 6th Ave. A large group left Times Square, marched to 34th and 6th, and 
held the intersection for several minutes.

F15 4:53pm We have heard reports, unconfirmed, of unprovoked arrests 
earlier in the day on 92nd and 2nd Ave between 1:30 and 2:00pm. Our source 
is telling us that he saw several high school students arrested and maced. 

*** We have started to get many reports of police brutality throughout the 
day. While you can call the IMC to report on todays events, we would 
encourage you to post your own experiences directly to our newswire.

F15 4:49pm We are hearing reports of police brutality outside Times Square, 42nd St and 7th Ave; police on horses running into and over protesters. F15 4:23pm About 200 people are on 42nd street and 6th Ave, with no police presence, heading west. F15 4:17pm 52nd and Lexington: The southern line of horse-cops backed off, but then the northern line pressed into the crowd. Cops on foot were shoving people out of the intersection, trying to get people moving again. They reportedly beat an old man. F15 4:12pm The 50-100 people at 52nd and Lexington have sat down in the street. A line of cops on horseback have moved in from the north, and another line have moved in from the south. The southern line is riding into the crowd. F15 4:11pm Times Square subway station is closed; no one is allowed in or out. Times Square webcams. F15 4:00pm Critical Mass cyclists have left, but 30 people on foot are on 7th ave between 47th and 48th chanting, "This is what democracy looks like." Police are preparing to make arrests. F15 3:59pm People at Lexington between 51st and 52nd have surged into the streets, surrounding traffic and groups of police officers. F15 3:37pm Critical mass shut down Times Square for about 5 minutes. About 20 to 30 bikes and 100 people surrounded Times Square, but we are hearing that the police have begun to move people out of the way. F15 3:34pm Reports of 300 police at Times Square. F15 3:24pm 57th and 2nd: The crowd has taken the streets and is chanting "Whose streets? Our streets?" Police have not made any arrests or injuries, but they are using their horses to push the crowd with their horses back on to the sidewalk. F15 3:01pm 53rd and 3d Avenue: People on the west side of the barricade have been trying to negotiate with the police but they may be getting ready to storm it. There have been seven or eight reported arrests. There have been reports of plainclothes policemen have been getting very violent with protesters. 3:04 50th and 3rd: Unconfirmed reports that people marching on the sidewalk were attacked by police. Completely peaceful when police attacked crowd. Mass pepper-spraying of crowd and large amounts of police violence. There is a report that there is a severe lack of medical help at the scene. There were men, women and children in the crowd. 53rd and 3d: Crowd has been corralled on all four corners. Police are pushing the crowd against the buildings. F15 3:00pm There have been 2 reported arrests at 2nd avenue and 57th street of people trying to storm a barricade. The crowd has begun getting very restless and has begun shouting "War means War." F15 2:42pm Estimate from organizers and the mainstream media on crowd size: the rally on 1st avenue streches many blocks north. NYPD usually estimates 7000 people can fill an avenue block. Including the additonal people trapped by police at 2nd and 3d organizers estimate over half a million people. F15 2:40pm More reports of police violence at 53d and Third. There were reports of people climbing atop barricades and being pushed off by police, about 25 on horses, plus others coming out of buses. The police have started to push the crowd back from 53rd street. However, people are completely trapped with nowhere to go. 2:18 pm 2:04 At 53d and 3d Avenue, New Yorkers rushed the street barricade and 15 people made it through. Ten minutes later a group of 8 or 9 anti-capitalists linked arms and organized a second rush on a barricade. About 50 or 60 other people joined them in the rush. The police brought in reinforcements, maced 15 or more people, and pushed the crowd back.
1:50 Sources report that police have begun arresting demonstrators on 54th and 2nd Avenue. 1:43 First avenue is reported to be completely inacccessible-- people who want to get there to protest cannot. 2nd avenue is full wall to wall in the 60's. We are hearing reports that the police on 3d avenue have given up, though this isn't confirmed. 1:37 A smaller group of people made it out of the 51st / 3d Avenue pen and were herded north on 2nd avenue. It is a diverse group. They are now being stopped by a row of mounted police on 54th st, and they cannot move north. 1:24 We have reports that portions of Second Avenue have been taken over by marchers as well. 1:23 The uptown Lexington avenue line has been stopped at 23rd street because of the protest. 1:21 Third Avenue is full from 50th to 53d street. Cars and buses have been trapped by the crowd-- there are US Postal Service vans, a service van, and taxis. Marchers have completely taken the street. 1:09 The police are putting up barriers on 53d and 3d avenue. They are throwing them to one another. There is a huge crowd of people stopped by the barriers and they are chanting "let them through, let them through." There have been several unconfirmed arrests of people trying to get over the barriers. There is a lot of pushing and shoving with the police. 1:07 There is a march occuring on 3d avenue; people are trying to get to the protest and are moving north. 1:00pm. A report just came in that 2nd Ave. is "a sea of humanity" protesters have taken over half the avenue and more people are joining from every direction. 12:41 "3rd avenue and 58th is ours!" says one caller. From 57th to 58th is completely full. There are no protest pens on third avenue. There are groups up third avenue as far north as 72nd street. 12:38 The Labor March marching from 59th street is back on the sidewalk. The police have broken it in half. 12:32 Police are making it very difficult for protesters to get to the rallly; they are requiring people to go further and further north. F15 12:06pm Update from Youth Bloc at 24th St and 6th: 300-400 protesters remained penned in, on the sidewalk not being allowed to move. Approximately 200 police, 3 deep for an entire block. Possibility that mass arrests will be made soon. F15 12:02pm If you are heading to the rally from the west side of Manhattan, you should attempt to get there above 55th st. It will be difficult to get there otherwise. There are large numbers of protesters heading north past 51st and Lexington. F15 12:00pm From the rally: There are large numbers of people turning out in the bitter cold, and it is difficult to estimate numbers. At least ten blocks are packed in outside the Dag Hammarskjold plaza. F15 11:53am Police have confirmed arrests at Union Square. No numbers given by police. F15 11:47am Youth Bloc Update: several hundred people penned in by police at 24th st between 5th and 6th ave. One-hundred police and 15 or more mounted police. There have been several arrests. Police are letting people out five at a time. The march is on the sidewalk. The marchers are chanting "The whole world is watching, they are on our side." F15 11:39am We have word that the Youth Bloc was the march that moved west from Union Square, not east. They marched towards 6th ave. and then north. At 23d st and 6th ave, police moved in and pushed the march back east. There are several mounted police, 15 vans vans, and several buses. At 24th st, the march was cut in half by police. F15 11:25am At the Public Library: Approximately 1,000 people at the library. There are between 100-200 police in full riot gear, some with batons drawn, standing in the second lane of 5th Avenue. People are leaving in small groups, but no organized mach has yet left the library. F15 11:03am One of the feeder marches just took the street on West 21st street and 6th avenue. There are at least a thousand people on the street. About 20 or so riot police are stationed on the street, but they have now given up trying to force marchers back onto the sidewalk. F15 10:59am 100 people have now left the Green Party headquarters, and are headed towards the rally. F15 10:55am Approx. 1,000 people have left Union Square, and they have just been joined by an additonal march. The march has headed west on 14th st., not east. They are marching behind a banner that says "Our Nation Says No To War," and are marching on the sidewalk. F15 10:14am Plans continue to percolate for post-rally marching. Read updates here. F15 10:04am Looking for somthing to do before the rally? Come down to the IMC at 29th street, pick up copies of the Indypendent and awesome party benefit flyers to distribute at the march. F15 9:27am Update on crowd control techniques near the UN: 1st avenue is closed to traffic from 34th to 59th to begin with... Entry to side streets from 2nd avenue ... will only be allowed every 4th street or so along 2nd ave, and exit at different streets. F14 12:40am Welcome to the NYC IMC website for the F15 convergence.

– timeline & originals of photos from new york indymedia

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