GA, as it is affectionately known, is
a 24 page magazine, now quarterly, edited by Steve
Booth. Containing a rich blend of news stories, news
of events, diary of news and events, information,
features, reviews, cartoons and illustrations, GA is a
unique publication well worth the stg£10 subscription
for five issues.
The latest issue (no 64/Spring 2002)
contains a diary going back to June 2001, a listing of
prisoners incarcerated for their defence of eco,
social, peace and libertarian issues, news of green
anarchist activities (including a positive review of
Earth First! in Britain), informative reviews (long
and short) plus a lively letters page.
The main feature, From Garden Cities to Tudor Suburbs – Housing
1900-1930 by Steve Booth, is an excellent study of
housing in Britain from an ecological, political and
social perspective. For those who believe that we must
start reducing the size of our cities and create both
urban and suburban green environments to stimulate
bioregional food production and encourage co-operative
communities, this feature puts the issue in a
perspective we must not ignore. Add to this the
feature by Farmer B on food production in a
dysfunctional society and you have the reasons why
Green Anarchist is an essential publication.
Green Anarchist has been an essential information tool for
anyone who wants to understand why we need to start
changing society.
9 Ash Avenue
LA2 0NP [UK]