Book Review Archive 02.03.03 [72] - Newsletter |
![]() New Society Publishers
![]() ![]() ![]() "Starhawk has made a place for herself as the literary voice of the anti-corporate globalization movement... She's not only a lifelong activist, but a novelist too, and it shows. Many of these essays originated as web postings, and yet they hold up. This is literature by Tom Wolfe's definition - news that has stayed news, poignant and compelling years after it is broadcast from the trenches." Women's Review of Books (December 2002, full page review): "Webs of Power serves as a valuable source for hose who already hold a world view contrary to the mainstream: that increasing globalization is not just destroying democracy, it is also threatening the lives of many economically disadvantaged people on the planet and the life of the planet itself... But what makes the book so engaging is not just the subject matter; it's the memoir-esque perspective Starhawk offers, sharing anecdotes and inner musings with as much ease as she describes how she implored thousands of fellow activists to sit down while confronted by a herd of police on horses so that the horses wouldn't trample them. There's a certain lack of pretense, not to mention some refreshing candor, that informs many of the stories." Cynthia Barstow - author of The Eco-Foods Guide, March 7-10 Expo West Anaheim CA March Lecture and Book-signing, 2 pm Stroudswater Books 898 Central Ave. Dover NH 03820 Contact: Anna Keim 207-384-2915 March 30 Lecture and Book-signing, joint event with The Food Project, 3:00 pm Concord Bookshop 65 Main Street Concord, MA 01742 Contact: Ellen Jarrett 978-369-2405 Ross Klein - author of Cruise Ship Blues Roberta Maisel - author of All Grown Up Roberta Maisel, All Grown Up: Living Happily Ever After with Your Adult Children will be participating in the following events in the new year: ![]() Excerpt in Dec. 2002 issue, Review in Feb/Mar 2003 issue SUSTAINABLE CAREERS INSTITUTE Melissa Everett, author of Making a Living While Making a Difference: The Expanded Guide to Creating Careers with a Conscience [], has established a new nonprofit organization to help the next generation find or create work that helps their communities and the planet. The Sustainable Careers Institute ( works with career development centers in colleges and universities to identify concrete opportunities, educate and train counseling staff, and develop special programs such as Public Interest Career Fairs. More... Robert Fuller, - author of SOMEBODIES AND NOBODIES: Overcoming the Abuse of Rank, will be featured prominently in the April 2003 issue of "O" Magazine ("O" as in Oprah), and in an article in Fast Company in March. Wayne Grytting - author of American Newspeak Wayne has just started doing a biweekly commentary on KEXP-FM in Seattle on Sunday mornings. Linda Hill - author of Connecting Kids will be speaking at the following events: March 16-19: Exploring A World of Differences Inclusive Leadership Adventure for Youth and Adults Who Care About Youth to be held at Cowichan Lake Education Centre, Lake Cowichan, Vancouver Island, BC April 28-May 2: Advanced Training in Inclusive Leadership for leaders and educators who work with diverse groups of children, youth and/or families in settings such as schools, camps, recreation, leadership training, therapy and support groups and other programs to held at Camp Pringle, Shawnigan Lake, Vancouver Island, BC May 5: Connecting Kids presentation at Vancouver Public Library co-sponsored by Necessary Voices and NSP July 3-5: Connecting Kids presentation at La Leche League International Conference San Francisco KUDOS The Natural Child, by Jan Hunt Has been approved by La Leche League International for Group Libraries. LLL will carry the book in their next catalogue. Has also been included in the Nurture by Nature Network Approved Library List, in the "Parenting" section. Check out: Read NNN's review of The Natural Child - a passionate and poignant book. ACTIVIST CORNER ![]() May 1-8, May 2003 Hollyhock, Cortes Island The Hollyhock Leadership Institute The Hollyhock Leadership Institute provides training and strategic support for people working for social and environmental change. Our objective is to build skilled, sustainable, unified and inspired social movements. We currently offer a range of training and strategy sessions at Hollyhock Centre on Cortes Island, Vancouver and other places throughout British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest. Applications / Nominations are now being accepted for our 9th annual residential Leadership experience. More... BioGems Defense Saving Endangered Wild Places from Robert Redford Americans voted for many things this past Election Day, but one thing we did not vote for was a sweeping attack on our environment. Yet President Bush is already acting as if we did. If you don't have time to read my letter, then please go straight to the BioGems website at and send messages to your U.S. senators and representative telling them to stand up in defense of our environment. More... TURTLE ISLAND The Bizarre Gets More Bizarre... This month we include two items guaranteed to make you wonder from Wayne Grytting, author of American Newspeak: The Mangling of Meaning for Power and Profit.
Dennis Weaver Drives Across Country with Green Fueled Vehicles THE NETWORK Peace as a Civil Right MLK Day Speech by U.S. Representative Dennis J. Kucinich The following speech was made at Lakewood Presbyterian Church's Martin Luther King Day Celebration, in Lakewood, Ohio, Sunday, January 19, 2003. Rooting Out Evil Canadians to lead weapons inspection team into USA A Canadian group is inviting people to join them in challenging rogue states run by military fanatics who produce and conceal weapons of mass destruction. Rooting Out Evil is sending a weapons inspection team to the United States to inspect the chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons produced and concealed by the Bush regime. More... "Hello America!" campaign launched in Oslo, Norway
BLUE is looking for short fiction, extracts of novels, poetry, lyrics, polemics, opinions, eyewitness accounts, reportage, features, information and arts in any form relating to eco cultural- social- spiritual issues, events and activites (creative and political). Send to Newsdesk. |