THE TRUTH ABOUT OIL AND WAR In past issues of New Society News, we have devoted a considerable amount of space to both the invasion of Iraq and the very much related coming end of oil. In this double issue, we add more depth to both of these crucially relevant topics. Behind the War on Terror
We are pleased to announce the publication in September of Behind the War on Terror: Western Secret Strategy and the Struggle for Iraq, by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed – a revealing account of the shocking hypocrisy and hidden agenda behind the invasion of Iraq. As the comments below indicate, we believe this to be an incredibly important source of the ‘real story’ behind US policy. "As the United States serves notice that it plans to dominate world affairs by force, this finely researched book offers a timely and powerful warning to us all." -- John Pilger "Yes, yes, I know he [Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed] is one of Them. But they often know things that we don’t – particularly about what we are up to." – Gore Vidal "If anyone craves irrefutable evidence of the U.S.'s aspirations to empire since World War II, read this book. If anyone wants to comprehend the mechanisms whereby classical imperialism was restyled into corporate globalization, read this book. And be shaken." -- Chellis Glendinning, author of Off the Map: An Expedition Deep into Empire and the Global Economy The Contents and Introduction give a valuable preview of this important work. The Petroleum Plateau While the full truth about US war strategy seeps slowly to the surface in the mainstream media, activists are finding no shortage of information in alternative circles about the related well-kept secret of the impending end of oil. Several expert commentators spoke on this topic at the recent Mid-West Renewable Energy Association gathering in Wisconsin, for example. Richard Heinberg – author of The Party’s Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies -- here provides a detailed look at exactly how we are able to be bamboozled by the oil supply data. The Petroleum Plateau RENEWABLE ENERGY The Mid-West Renewable Energy Fair (MREA), Custer, Wisconsin In late June, we attended the MREA – a magical annual event that gathers renewable energy and sustainable living afficionados from all over the US and Canada to show off their wares and talk sustainable living, 24-7. Presentations ranged from how to install solar power and radiant heating, through oil depletion to sustainable community. And the best technologies, consultants, media and resources from around the world were talking it up at the fair/trade show. NSP author Rob Roy (author of Cordwood Building and an upcoming book on timber framing) gave several workshops, and future authors John Ivanko and Lisa Kivirist eloquently described their flight from the city and patient attempts to bring about a sustainable, rural renaissance living in the countryside of Wisconsin. There’s a whole host of similar such events that happen each year in various regions, including SolFest in California and many others – highly recommended! Culture Change Jan Lundberg from the Sustainable Energy Institute in Arcata, California, recently sent greetings from the redwoods to tell us that they are featuring The Party's Over on their website. He continues, "With our oil industry background, our nonprofit group was founded 15 years ago on much of the knowledge in his fine book. Please see http://www.culturechange.org/Campbell_on_Heinberg.htm Incidentally, our website also features my regular essays on petroleum dependence and sustainable culture. Many of them appear on websites such as BlueGreenEarth.com. You can check out our Culture Change Letter at http://www.culturechange.org/e-letter-archive.html Katie Alvord, your published author of Divorce Your Car, cut her teeth by working with me on our Alliance for a Paving Moratorium and the Auto-Free Times (now Culture Change)." Commercial Solar Installations Meanwhile, sustainablebusiness.com reports that the Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) wants to help you find out about the commercial solar installations around the U.S. They are building an on-line database, the SEPA Commercial Solar Electric Installation Inventory, and encourage you to submit your project. Household Energy savings Finally, check out NSP’s The Energy Saving House for ways to reduce your home energy use. HOT OFF PRESS The Troublemaker’s Teaparty
Due off press in August, The Troublemaker’s Teaparty: A Manual for Effective Citizen Action, by Charles Dobson, is for all who need better organizing advice and tips, and inspiration. It’s packed with crisp, clear how-to information, and designed specifically for the under-funded small citizen groups that don’t have access to funds nor vast amounts of volunteer time. Check out the catalog copy, as well as this excerpt that includes Contents, Preface and Introduction (90K). ON THE HORIZON Microhydro
Microhydro: Clean Power form Water is due off press in September. Please check out the Introduction and/or the Contents.
Radical Simplicity
Coming in September is a new title that takes the simple living movement to a new and deeper level. Jim Merkel’s Radical Simplicity: Small Footprints on a Finite Earth uses three tools to help you modify your lifestyle to be more in line with the rest of the world: ecological footprinting Our Ecological Footprint, the steps from Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez, and spending time in wild nature. Check out the foreword to the book by Vicki Robin. |