Book Review Archive 02.02.03 [68] |
An Advanced Socioeconomic System by Robley E. George
BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX It is (or at least should be) clear that this planet desperately needs a new, improved and fundamentally democratized socioeconomic system. The book will be of interest to (among others) all those who are seriously concerned about the multidimensional unnecessary harm (to individuals, societies, cultures and the planet at large) caused by the extreme systemic maldistribution of material wealth intra- and internationally and who are convinced that this serious problem should and can only be resolved democratically and peacefully by an informed, thoughtful citizenry. The chapter on ramifications discusses the simultaneous significant reduction of over 20 serious and acknowledged societal problems as a result of the realization of Socioeconomic Democracy. The book will be found appropriate for courses in economics, political science, sociology, political philosophy, utopian studies, futures studies, psychology and, perhaps most importantly, democratic politicosocioeconomic systems engineering. The book is extensively described on our website [Center for the Study of Democratic Societies ]. Indeed, one can easily get a clear introduction to and understanding of Socioeconomic Democracy by simply studing the material on the site. The Center for the Study of Democratic Societies (CSDS) is a research and educational institution (founded in 1969) dedicated to the examination and explanation of the properties and possibilities of democratic societies and democratic socioeconomic systems. You are cordially invited to visit our website, where you will find much more about the theory and practice of Socioeconomic Democracy, an invitation to our Study Programs in Socioeconomic Democracy, and a much needed break from all this serious stuff on our Lighter Side pages. If you find any of this material of interest, we would be happy to hear from you and explore future possibilities with you. If you have friends or e-lists that you think might be interested in this message, please feel free to forward it to them. Robley E. George, Director Center for the Study of Democratic Societies
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