La Quatro Guerra
from Big Noise Films
"Whenever the system encounters obstacles to their process, whenever the people resist, it responds with a war that pulverizes, liquefies, terrorizes. A war without a battlefield, a war without identifiable sides. A war that is everywhere, a 1000 civil wars, a war without end, the 4th World War. [...] On one side is a system of terrifying violence and on the other side are all of us… all of us who will stop this war."
- La Quatro Guerra
"The Fourth World War is a total war, economic, social, political, cultural and military. Everywhere today, every aspect of our lives is being violently reorganized. Everywhere the system is at work dissolving us, our labor, our land, our culture into flows of capital."
- La Quatro Guerra
NOTES ¡! To see the press release for the Crane Banner Hang: Que Se Vayan Todos, see - Spanish; English
One comment read: Re: by eneron
eneron (at) zapopan .com (no verificado) Puntuaci?n actual: 0 12 sep 2003 en cancun seguimos,protestando,ylucharemos por descarrilar a la omc , bamos a bloquear los dos accesos a la zona hotelera, imvitamos a todas las personas que quieran terminar con el rreparto del planeta, con todo y humanos, entre unos cuantos ricos, que ya son due?os de una parte, y ahora quieren todo el planeta. cada que respiras un ser humano esta muriendo de miseria, por culpa del sitema economico mundial OMC, ellos son los asesinos y tu eres su complise si lo sigues permitiendo por que eres testigo de lo que pasa.
Description of 4WW - La Quatro Guerra Film
From the front-lines of conflicts in Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Palestine, Korea, 'the North' from Seattle to Genova, and the 'War on Terror' in New York, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
It is the story of men and women around the world who resist being annihilated in this war.
While our airwaves are crowded with talk of a new world war, narrated by generals and filmed from the noses of bombs, the human story of this global conflict remains untold. "The Fourth World War" brings together the images and voices of the war on the ground. It is a story of a war without end and of those who resist.
The product of over two years of filming on the inside of movements on five continents, "The Fourth World War" is a film that would have been unimaginable at any other moment in history. Directed by the makers of "This Is What Democracy Looks Like" and "Zapatista", produced through a global network of independent media and activist groups, it is a truly global film from our global movement.
The Fourth World War will be launched this Fall and begin touring worldwide. Check our calendar for updates and screening times. Contact us at: 4ww (at) to help organize screenings.
Music from Manu Chao, Moosaka, Cypher AD, DJ C
Watch the trailer
- Email: Big Noise Tactical
Big Noise Tactical is a not-for-profit, all-volunteer collective of media-makers around the world, dedicated to circulating beautiful, passionate, revolutionary images.
We are not filmmakers producing and distributing our work. We are rebels, crystallizating radical community and weaving a network of skin and images, of dreams and bone, of solidarity and connection against the isolation, alienation and cynicism of capitalist decomposition. We are tactical because our media is a part of movements, imbedded in a history of struggle. Tactical because we are provisional, plural, polyvocal. Tactical because it would be the worst kind of arrogance to believe that our media had some ahistorical power to change the world - its only life is inside of movements - and they will hang our images on the walls of their banks if our movements do not tear their banks down.
Contact us on the ground at:
Big Noise Tactical Media
56 Walker Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10013
Big Noise Tactical
617/306-0120 (voice mail)