Green Horizon Quarterly
editors: John Rensenbrink & Steve Welzer
A brand new journal, Green Horizon Quarterly, is just out. Edited by John
Rensenbrink of Maine and Steve Welzer of New Jersey, both
long-time Green leaders in their states and nationally, this new journal
features articles by Steve, Charlene Spretnak, Donna
Warren, and others that tie together common themes of the Green Party and
the Green Movement.
- Contents:
What's Next for the Green Party? - Scott McLarty
War and Peace in the Twilight of the Nation-State System - John Rensenbrink
Reparations - Donna Warren
Political Parties Today and Tomorrow - Steve Welzer
A People's Legislature Offers a Radically Democratic Opportunity - Ellen La
The Politics and Science of Food - Edmund P. Fowler
Environmental Racism and the Health Crisis - Annette Dula
Building Green Bridges - Charlene Spretnak
The Chocolate of Politics - Morgen D'Arc
Wisdom and Wonder in Environmental Education - Laura Burkle
From the Chronicles of King Bushy-Tushy - Herschel Sternlieb
The intent is to be a participatory forum for Green thinking, an energizer
and interpretive guide for people in the trenches
fighting for Justice, Democracy, and Freedom in balance with Nature. At the
same time, it will be a mine of information and
inspiration for all who daily hunger and work for a healthier, saner, and
more joyful world.
Please help give this journal a chance to make it big time as a major
national Green publication. For starters, it needs a thousand
subscribers by the winter solstice and another thousand by next June's
summer solstice.
Now is the time to subscribe: for each subscription you'll receive one issue
free. As you will see, Volume I, Number 1 is
beautifully done and packs a wallop. It is something you will want to keep
for future reference and, who knows, perhaps as a valued
The price is very reasonable: $20 for one year, $35 for two years, and $45
for three years.
Green Horizon Quarterly
POB 476
ME 04086
ask to be billed and you will receive your first copy
right away.
Ted Glick
- Email: