New Book Titles Archive 03.06.05 vol4 #15
Spring / Summer 2005
New Society
South End Press
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NEW SOCIETY - New Titles, March 2005 to June 2005

March, 2005

Responding to the Dark Side

With the Bush regime consolidating to flex its muscles in ways that defy intelligence, dwelling on the dark side continues to be a strong temptation nowadays. In response, we need to resist like never before the agendas of an empire that would do more evil in the world and, equally, we need to focus like never before on actively building a culture of peace and sustainability as Babylon self-destructs. Our new books this month offer rich resources for doing just that…


Heroin and Empire


"Chiva" is street slang for heroin. It's also the title of remarkable new book by Chellis Glendinning: Chiva: A Village Takes on the Global Heroin Trade. Author of Off The Map: An Expedition Deep into Empire and the Local Economy, Chellis here deals with the odious link between empire and the global drug trade, and the struggle of one community to resist. A tour de force of both story and style, it is infuriating and uplifting at the same time -- "a blueprint for hope" in one reviewer's words. Chiva reads a like a novel you can't put down and packs the punch of a book destined to become a classic.


The Bible for Kicking Carbon

Solar Living Sourcebook

"People want to become free from the consumption of fossil fuels," says John Schaeffer, founder of Real Goods. "Whether you live in the woods of Mendocino or in the suburbs of Northern New Jersey, the Solar Living Sourcebook provides a path to self-reliance."

Trusted for almost two decades as the single best source of tested and recommended tools for getting off-grid, The Real Goods Solar Living Sourcebook – 12th Edition is just as its subtitle suggests: The Complete Guide to Renewable Energy Technologies and Sustainable Living. In Paul Hawken's words: "The Solar Living Sourcebook has been and continues to be the bible for everyone wanting to get off carbon and on the solar grid. It is scrupulously honest, technically flawless, and steeped in experience and practical wisdom. There is nothing like it in the world."


Unblemished Green

Green Building Products

Adding to our line-up of the best resource books on the market is Green Building Products: The GreenSpec® Guide to Residential Building Materials, edited by Alex Wilson and Mark Piepkorn. Sarah Susanka, author of The Not So Big House, comments: "This book makes it easy to find the information and product advice you need, and it's a must for anyone – builder, designer, architect or homeowner – who really wants to know the unbiased and unblemished truth about what's really 'green'." Its editors are from BuildingGreen, the authoritative source on sustainable building products and publishers of Environmental Building News.

Sermon on the Collapse

  • Blessed are those who depend least on modern technology, for they have not forgotten how to take care of themselves.
  • Blessed are those whose culture is communitarian and not individualist, for they will share and prosper.
  • Blessed are they who have no exploitable natural resources, for no one will bother them.
  • Blessed are those who know how to grow food, for they will eat and feed others.

-- New Society partner, Resurgence magazine, from England, recently published a review by Stephanie Mills of Richard Heinberg's Powerdown. She included the above as one of her favorite "literary excursions" featured in the book. For the full review, as well as some of the excellent articles in this edition, check out the Resurgence website:


In the aftermath of the disastrous and so obviously fraudulent US elections in late November, we discovered a shocking book originally published in 1992 called Votescam: The Stealing of America by James and Kenneth Collier. We seriously considered releasing an updated edition of this classic text. It documents vote fraud associated with electronic voting machines going as far back as the 1970 elections. Told through the remarkable life story of the two brothers who stumbled across vote scamming in Florida and then pursued the issue for a quarter of a century, it is a must-read for all those appalled by black box voting, as well as a stinging indictment of US administration officials, the big media corporations and everyone else involved. It can be purchased from Victoria House Press:


The Natural Step for Communities

Timber Framing for The Rest of Us -- Library Journal review

Conflict resolution: No fairy tale

Healing Heart


100,000 Dumbed Down

Dumbing Us Down

Some books never die – especially those that speak to a perennial truth. So it is that we are proud to announce the release of a special hardcover edition of Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling, by John Taylor Gatto, celebrating 100,000 copies sold of this classic treatise on American education. Described succinctly as "a one-man intellectual insurgency" by The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, John's work has been a strong and steady seller since it was originally published 13 years ago. In celebratory style, both the hardcover and the softcover editions now sport a handsome new cover design featuring a painting by George Deem, School of Balthus.

How Green is Your Car?

Britain is introducing a ratings scheme to tell drivers and car buyers how environmentally friendly vehicles are – as reported by the BBC:

May, 2005

Energy Drives the Economy…

Q: What's a good book worth reading again?
A: The Party's Over: Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies by Richard Heinberg. Richard's work has been widely reviewed, but this comes from an unusual source: a recent column in Northern Ontario Business citing the "Collected Wisdom" of Dr. Luc Duchesne, President and CEO, Forest Bioproducts, Inc. Dr. Duchesne continues: "It's about the fact we're running out of oil, oil is driving war and that industrial societies are going to hell in a hand basket. The key point is energy drives the economy. I think we're headed for disaster."
       While what he says may well be true, it is human energy that will drive the solutions – and that's what New Society books are mostly about, as our new releases demonstrate.

Debunking the
"Classless" Myth

Class Matters

Kevin Danaher of Global Exchange says, "One of the biggest myths of US corporate culture is that America is classless: we are supposedly all middle class." He continues, "Betsy Leondar-Wright not only shatters this myth, she gives us inspiring stories and practical tools to heal the wounds of class inequality in our society."

Class Matters, in this respect, is a class act. Subtitled Cross-Class Alliance Building for Middle-Class Activists, it's a graphically rich, lively read, packed with personal anecdotes, fine organizing gems, useful tid-bits and thoroughly memorable advice. Examples:

  • "I really value white middle-class activists when they acknowledge what they don't know."
  • Put Relationships First
  • Talk Less, Listen More
  • Our bridge-building muscles may feel too weak for the job, but it can be satisfying how fast a muscle builds up with regular exercise.


Green Grades K-5

Teaching Green

Adding to our line of environmental education books from the good folk at Green Teacher magazine, we are very pleased to release Teaching Green — The Elementary Years: Hands-on Learning in Grades K-5. As with the other titles in this series, this book is a collection of the best material from around the continent focused on incorporating green themes into school and other programs.

As David Sobel (Director of Teacher Certification Programs, Antioch New England Graduate School, and Co-Director of the Center for Place-based Education) comments, this is "the handbook that the environmental education movement has been looking for." He continues: "Wow! (And I don't use exclamation points loosely.) Teaching Green: The Elementary Years is like a greatest hits collection from the last ten years of Green Teacher magazine. Many of my favorite articles are all here in one place, along with many others that I wish I had seen the first time around. I know this resource will become a highly valued text in my Place-based Education course and I envision it dog-eared and well loved on my shelf a decade from now."


Waves of Sustainability

The Next Sustainability Wave

Bob Willard's work on corporate sustainability in the form of his first book, The Sustainability Advantage has been highly valued. With the sequel, The Next Sustainability Wave: Building Boardroom Buy-in, he takes it up a notch, providing champions of sustainability with the best set of arguments yet for persuading reluctant corporations to get with the program.

Adine Mees, President and CEO, Canadian Business for Social Responsibility, says of the book: "If you are going to read one reference book on corporate social responsibility this year, this is the book. Bob Willard takes complex and often ill-defined ideas and distills them into bite-sized chunks that can be easily understood and acted on."

Fighting the Global Heroin Trade
A sprawling village, home to about 3,000 people, Chimayó is the spiritual center of the Río Grande in the upland desert of northern New Mexico, USA. Every Easter thousands of pilgrims trek by foot to the edge of Chimayó where they rest at a Christian sanctuary (El Santuario) to pray. It's a procession rooted in the earthly pagan history of the village.

On a Saturday morning in May 1999, a new date was etched into the spiritual history of Chimayó. The villagers — despairing that their village had the most drug dealers and users in the county, Río Arriba, with the most drug overdose deaths per capita in the US and increasing numbers of drug-related killings — came together on an interfaith procession to pray for the end of the violence from drugs and alcohol. Catholic, Tewa, Jewish, Sikh, Muslim, Aztec, Pentacostal and Protestant marched along the highway to the Santuario, 450 people with a collective voice that screamed, needing to be heard…

To read more of this feature by Robert Allen, based on an interview with Chellis Glendinning, author of Chiva and Off the Map, check out indymedia


Nautilus 2005 Book Awards - Green Remodeling

Book a must-read for going green - Green Remodeling

Building the Healthy Habitat - Homes That Heal

A New Kind of Clean - Homes That Heal


Beyond the Peak

So what do you do if you are living at the end of an empire? I suppose one rational response would be to eat, drink, and be merry. Why not? It sure beats worrying oneself to death over events one can't control, and thus squandering whatever moments of normalcy and chances for happiness may remain before the end comes.

Somehow, I think that you here have other ideas about what to do…

Richard Heinberg, author of The Party's Over and Powerdown addressed the First US Conference on Peak Oil and Community Solutions, in Yellow Springs, Ohio, recently -- as HopeDance magazine reported. This is from his closing address.

British Columbia: electoral reform?

BC voters will get a chance to change the way their electoral system works in May when they can vote for the Single Transferable Voting System. For the easiest guide to how this works, explained in cartoon form, check out:
-- The only problem is that such a complex system needs electronic voting machines, and we know what that facilitates in terms of vote counting… (see Votescam in the March New Society News).

June 2005


NSP author Guy Dauncey (Stormy Weather and Earthfuture) has a provocative solution to the end-of-oil problem: do without it! Here’s his 12-Step Journey…


Carbon Neutral Positive!
Our carbon neutral initiative received a warm response from far and wide. Here are some of the comments.


The WEEE Man overlooks Tower Bridge in London and superbly demonstrates the ecological footprint. More…


Conscience Clothing
Why we should care about where and how our clothes are made — from Resurgence magazine. Go!

Also of interest on this topic:


Carbon Neutral — Another Publishing First!

We have been working hard over the past several months to become the first publishing company in North America to become carbon neutral, a mission we accomplished by Earth Day 2005. We announced the initiative in mid-May and, much to our delight, received very encouraging responses from far and wide. You can read the original press release here.

Books to Walk the Talk

We've also been busy redesigning our website which now includes a Tree Counter to show the number of trees we've saved by printing on 100% post consumer recycled papers. We're walking the talk and our books help you to do the same! Check it out: -- "scroll down to the right"

A Building Movement

More Straw Bale Building

Straw bale building has taken North America by storm over the past decade. Bale buildings have arisen like new shoots after a spring rain, and the technique has captured the imagination of thousands from south to north. As time has passed, accepted wisdom and techniques have evolved quickly. So it was that New Society's book, Straw Bale Building, originally released in 2000, was in need of an update. But so much had changed that authors Chris Magwood and Peter Mack proposed what was essentially a new book.

More Straw Bale Building is the outcome, just released. A thing of beauty, the book is packed with the latest information to help you build effectively with straw. Of special interest, however, is that -- as the authors point out -- the straw bale building phenomenon is an oddity in the construction business. It is a movement, an authentic grassroots-driven groundswell of passion for the efficiency and effectiveness of the technique and for the sheer pleasure of the final product.

Note that this is another in our Mother Earth News Wiser Living Series of books.

A Revolution of Interconnections

The Sustainability Revolution

— This is how author Andrés Edwards interprets the phenomenon of sustainability in his new book, The Sustainability Revolution: Portrait of a Paradigm Shift, due off press this month. A remarkable gathering together of the many diverse threads that constitute sustainability, the book is a family tree of sorts, a pedigree, of a revolution. It also eloquently describes the new paradigm: "The Sustainability Revolution marks the emergence of a new social ethos emphasizing the web of relationships that link the challenges we currently face." As David Orr says in his foreword, "The sustainability revolution is steadily reshaping our lives and our place in the larger fabric of life for the better." What's more, he adds, the book helps to put world events into perspective, "and clarify the point that despair can be overcome by a revolution of hope, competence and intelligence underlain by wisdom."

Seeds of Sustainable Societies

EcoVillage at Ithaca

— Now available! For all those who have ached for a more cooperative approach to living and a more day-to-day community-based experience, we now have the recorded wisdom of those pioneers in the field who have founded or have lived for a substantial time in ecovillages. In his foreword to EcoVillage at Ithaca: Pioneering a Sustainable Culture, by Liz Walker, Duane Elgin calls them "seeds of sustainable societies" — an antidote to the isolated misery of modern life, a living example that another world is possible.

Kids Who are Making a Difference

Eco Kids

Meet Jared Duval. Jared led a successful effort to save a 12-acre (4.8 hectare) wetland and forest in his home town of Lebanon, New Hampshire while still a high school student. Jared recognized that the area -- slated for a supermarket development -- was of substantial ecological value, and rallied fellow students, forming a group called Students for a Sustainable Future. A year and a half later, the supermarket proposal was denied. In his acceptance speech receiving the Brower Youth Award, he commented: "The world is run by those who show up."

Jared is just one of several "eco-kids" growing up with a passion for making the world a better place. He is featured in Dan Chiras' new book, EcoKids: Raising Children Who Care for the Earth.

Go Where and Do What??

Taking a Stand

Elizabeth Boardman spent Christmas Day, 2002 in Basrah, Iraq. She shared lunch with fifteen Muslim and Christian clerics and one other American woman -- a feast of humus and olives, chicken and rice, spread out upon carpets in a mosque. Elizabeth reports that they urged us to understand that they are not fundamentalists or terrorists. They told us how their constant prayer is for peace .... "Iraqis are loyal to their own leader," they said, "and will resist the destruction of their country." The mosque in which we sat together was bombed in 1991 and again in 1998. "We will rebuild it again and again and again if necessary," they vowed.

Elizabeth volunteered with the Iraq Peace Team. And like many others who have put their bodies on the line for peace, the experience was a life-changer. So much so for Elizabeth, that when she came back she wrote Taking a Stand: A Guide to Peace Teams and Accompaniment Projects, just of press.

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Copyright © 2005 New Society Publishers


update contains latest most comprehensive bell hooks interview


Black Women and Self-Recovery

bell hooks

  • According to a 2004 American Journal of Public Health report, poor health care access cost nearly one million black people their lives in the last decade.


  • Researchers estimated that more than 886,000 deaths could have been prevented from 1991 to 2000 if African Americans had received the same medical care as whites.


As a result of increasing community mobilization and pressure on government, improving access to quality health care for people of color is emerging as a leading issue for health care providers and policymakers. But there are other health crises hidden within statistics on racial disparity and illness, including the impact of racism on the physical and emotional health of black people.


"Readers trying to unlearn racism and sexism will respect hooks for politicizing the self-recovery movement."

-Library Journal

In Sisters of the Yam: Black Women and Self-Recovery (South End Press Classics Edition), renowned cultural critic bell hooks explores how the emotional health of black women--the “least happy Americans” according to a recent study by the National Center for Health Statistics--is wounded by daily assaults of racism and sexism.


Lauded by critics as “astute and downright brilliant,” hooks shows the “link between self-recovery and political resistance” as only she can, tackling the structural roots of black women’s pain and black women can empower themselves and effectively struggle against racism, sexism and consumer capitalism. And in this updated edition’s introduction, a lengthy 2004 interview with hooks, hooks reflects on the challenges faced by black feminism in the last decade as well as how Sisters of the Yam paved the way for her recent and popular writing on love, relationships, and community.


“This is a wonderful book, filled with hooks’s love and encouragement.”

 -Alice Walker

$15.00 paper (0-89608-716-6)
$40.00 cloth  (0-89608-717-4)
For more information on Sisters of the Yam, Classic Edition
     please contact Jill Petty at 617-547-4002

Individual Orders, call 800-533-8478
To request a review copy, visit
To request a desk or exam copy, visit
For more information on this title, visit

Books to help you change the worldAVAILABLE NOW FROM SOUTH END PRESS  

Latest book by MikadoOn the Border

Michel Warschawski

(talk with the author)

At the crux of the Palestinian and Israeli conflict stand men like Michel Warschawski, a leading Jewish peace activist who spent months in an Israeli prison for his media work, witnessed torture of Palestinian prisoners, and was the target of the Shin Bet, Israel’s notorious intelligence agency. Why? Because he believes the “Wall of Separation” is equally threatening to Israeli democracy as it is to the future of the Palestinian people.

Winner of the prestigious Prix des Amis du Monde Diplomatique and available in English for the first time, this courageous memoir confronts paradox on the border-the internal boundaries that divide Israel socially, economically, and culturally, and the external restrictions that assault the liberty of Palestinians. Through eloquent meditations on universal issues of nationalism and identity, On the Border raises questions about the larger meanings of justice and decency necessary to forge true reconciliation.

Compassionate and lucid, Warschawski engraves hope for the rich exchange that Israelis and Palestinians might someday enjoy. On the Border emerges as classic and timely discourse about the possibilities for peace.

Veteran journalist and peace activist Michel Warschawski is the author of numerous works in English, French, and Hebrew, including Toward an Open Tomb. He cofounded the Alternative Information Center, a Palestinian-Israeli research and media organization promoting a just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He resides in Jerusalem.

If you are in MASSACHUSETTS, NEW YORK, CONNECTICUT, or NORTH CAROLINA, the author is coming to speak at a place near you.

Cambridge, MA

April 11, 7:30 pm
Harvard Law School, Austin Hall (at the intersection of Cambridge St. & Mass. Ave., across from the Cambridge Common), North Room
for more info:, or

April 12, noon
Book signing at the Harvard Coop

New York, NY

April 14, 5:30-7 pm
New York University, Kevorkian Building, 50 Washington Square S/ W 4th and Sullivan
Book reading and panel discussion, in conversation with Ella Shohat, Zachary Lockman, and Elias Khoury

April 15, 7:30 am
WBAI "Wakeup Call"
for more info: (212) 209-2800 or

April 16, 2-4 pm
CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue

Left Forum Discussion- Palestine: The Occupation and the Challenges Ahead
for more info: (212) 817-2003 or

April 17, noon
WBAI "Beyond the Pale"
for more info: (212) 647-8966 or

New Britain, CT

April 18, 7:30 pm
Central Connecticut State University, Marcus White Hall
for more info: (203) 934-2761 or

Durham, NC

April 19, 8 pm
Duke University
for more info:

Middle East Studies / Peace Studies
$17.00 paper (0-89608-731-X
$40.00 cloth  (0-89608-732-8)
For more information on On the Border
     please contact the publicity department
at 617-547-4002

Individual Orders, call 800-533-8478
To request a review copy, visit
To request a desk or exam copy, visit
For more information on this title, visit

South End Press Author Under Attack

CAMBRIDGE, MA: After finding himself at the center of a media firestorm-and receiving 
a barrage of death threats-South End Press author Ward Churchill has stepped down from 
his position as Chair of the Ethnic Studies Department at the University of Colorado. 
Not satisfied with this, Colorado Governor Bill Owens is demanding that Churchill 
resign his position as a tenured professor as well.

The controversy is based on an essay Churchill wrote soon after 9-11, which he later 
expanded into an AK Press book, On the Justice of Roosting Chickens: Reflections on 
the Consequences of U.S. Imperial Arrogance and Criminality. Conservative protestors 
used the essay to force Hamilton College in New York to cancel a speaking engagement 
Churchill had scheduled there. The mainstream media (including Bill O’Reilly and Fox 
News) has picked up the story, distorting and misrepresenting the facts, as usual.

South End Press wishes to voice our support for Ward Churchill in this struggle-in 
terms of both his well-researched analysis of factors that contributed to the 9-11 
attacks and his right to express that analysis in public without having his life and 
livelihood threatened. We also recommend that you read On the Justice of Roosting 
Chickens yourself, rather than rely on the media’s version of it. Individuals can 
order it here:

On the Justice of Roosting Chickens and other books by Ward Churchill are available 
to bookstores and the trade from Consortium Book Sales and Distribution. To order 
please visit or call 1-800-283-3572.

Ward Churchill titles published by South End Press include: Islands in Captivity: 
The International Tribunal on the Rights of Indigenous Hawaiians (coedited with 
Sharon H. Venne; forthcoming); From a Native Son: Selected Essays on Indigenism, 
1985-1995; Agents of Repression: The FBI’s Secret War Against the American Indian 
Movement and the Black Panther Party (with Jim Vander Wall); and The COINTELPRO 
Papers: Documents From the FBI’s Secret Wars Against Dissent in the United States 
(with Jim Vander Wall).

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BLUE is looking for short fiction, extracts of novels, poetry, lyrics, polemics, opinions, eyewitness accounts, reportage, features, information and arts in any form relating to eco cultural- social- spiritual issues, events and activites (creative and political). Send to Newsdesk.